The Digital
We talk Windows, smart home, music tech, vintage tech, EVs and lots more.
Welcome to this week’s podcast! We return from our week off to talk about Microsoft Build what was announced for Windows users. We talk about the new feature updates to Windows 11 and the new builds of Windows for Windows Insiders.

We also talk about travel technology and lots more!

Links from this week’s show:

·       What’s new in the next Windows 11 Update (May 2023 – Moment 3)

·       Hands on with the new Windows Backup in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 23466

Direct download: TDL_Show_20230531_901.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:43am EST

Welcome to show number 900! Garry, Richard and I take the opportunity to look at what has changed in the consumer space since we started the podcast and some of the forgotten brands. We look forward to next update of Windows 11 and lots more.

Links from this week's show:

Direct download: TDL_Show_20230517_900.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:45am EST

Welcome to this week's podcast! This week Garry, Richard and I talk about options for a new Ultrabook as I show off my Netbook. We talk about the new builds of Windows 11, Korg KARMA and the latest EV news.

Links from this week's show:

Direct download: TDL_Show_20230503_899.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:40am EST