The Digital
We talk Windows, smart home, music tech, vintage tech, EVs and lots more.

Back for another instalment, Jon and Sheldon dive pretty deep into the weeks news.  From a pretty intense discussion on the good and bad of location based services and Apples efforts in the enterprise, we lighten the mood with talk of a release for the fabled Playstation phone, new iPad-only magazines and talk of exciting new hardware from Dell, Motorola, HTC and Pocketbook –  plus news of the latest eReader platform.  It’s cold outside, so our advice is to pour yourself a nice cup of tea and warm up with the latest and greatest from the world of mobile….



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Show Notes


Sony Playstation Phone: 9 December launch Primed 
Coke Debuts first LBS Mobile Game 
Location-based advertising is on the rise - should we be afraid? 
iOS 4.2 lands finally, but is 4.3 on the way? 
NewsCorp to launch The Daily, iPad only magazineBranson to follow suit with “Project” 
Dell Duo to debut in December 
HTC Knight - running Android 2.2, 4G QWERTY Slider 
Hands on with the Motorola Droid Pro 
Apple taking the enterprise seriously?  Well, they’ve hired at least 5 former RIM sales staff... 
Pocketbook to unleash Mirasol colour ebook reader 
Sony eReader app to launch on iOS and Android in December

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@TDLMobile @jondickinson @SheldonW @JoseROrtiz @ISDixon

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:22am EST

I am working away this week so we make Andrew do the hard work for a change. He takes charge and Garry joins him to talk about the weeks news including iPad updates, media streaming, EPG apps, Xbox Kinect and planning for the next user group


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this was recorded before Microsoft's Vail announcement so we will be talking about that next week

Links from this weeks show:

Don’t forget the other TDL Podcasts: TDL Mobile and The Custom Integrator Show

Twitter: @isdixon @aedney @garrywma

Music by Ian Dixon

Direct download: TDL_Show_20101123_282.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

We start this weeks show with an apology.  Despite our best efforts, we missed putting out a show last week and we explain why.  The good news is it gives us plenty to talk about in this weeks bumper edition!  From news of the follow up to the Nexus One, we cover the new handset from Sony-Ericsson, plus news of the worlds first dual core Android handset.  Plus we provide a round up on tablets, news of how Rovio is approaching the Android market differently, rumblings of SIM ready cameras and the latest on that elusive iOS version 4.2 update.

So settle in and enjoy what’s probably the best darn mobile podcast on the planet…!


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Show Notes


Eric Schmidt stresses that he was quoted as saying there’d never be a Nexus two...
Nexus S - More details
New slim Sony-Ericsson phone codename ANZU leaks - 4.3” Gingerbread phone with HDMI?
LG to bring worlds first dual core Android phone to market early 2011?
WP7 on sale in US as scheduled but initial sales figures lukewarm
Global sales of smartphones almost doubled in Q3 2010 compared to Q3 2009
Strong interest in iPad and other iOS products in the enterprise
Toshiba Folio 100 tablet dropped by Dixons group
Rovio concludes it must release multiple versions of Angry Birds for Android
SIM Cards to expand beyond mobile phones & tablets
Palm Pre to be released in the UK - SIM Free
iOS 4.2 now due Wed 24th Nov - unifying iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad for the first time
Colour E Ink display arrives


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@TDLMobile @jondickinson @SheldonW @JoseROrtiz @ISDixon

Direct download: TDLMobile055.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43am EST

Garry and Andrew join me to talk over the weeks digital lifestyle news including new apps for Windows Media Center, running Windows Media Center

on a MacBook, the problems with Android Tablets, multi-platform streaming and the weeks biggest news a Universal remote in a pillow!


The HTPC Build show will in the next couple of weeks, thanks to everyone that sent in questions.


Listen Here (download mp3) - Subscribe via iTunes - Subscribe via RSS - Subscribe with Zune

Links from this weeks show:

Don’t forget the other TDL PodcastsTDL Mobile and The Custom Integrator Show

Music by Ian Dixon

Direct download: TDL_Show_20101118_281.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36am EST

This week Andrew joins me to talk about the weeks news including Freeview HD Media Center PCs, using Play To with iOS, Extendergate and running Media Center on a Macbook Air. Plus Garry joins in live from Microsoft's TechEd conference in Germany where he is spending all his time play with Xbox Kinect.

Next week we will have a special HTPC Q&A show with Evolve Media's David Simpson so send in your questions!

Links from this weeks show:

Don’t forget the other TDL Podcasts: TDL Mobile and The Custom Integrator Show

Music by Ian Dixon

Direct download: TDL_Show_20101111_280.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:42am EST

t has been quite a while since our last installment.  Ian and I pick things up again after several months by taking a look at what has been going on in the industry and how it impacts our custom installs.  Naturally, we want you to listen to the Podcast, but here are some of the topics we cover.


There has been a barrage of media/content/streaming/web/search/set top boxes that have hit the market recently.  Not that there is anything wrong with a little competition, but it is becoming overwhelming – and the announcements just keep on coming.  Not only are there all of these new pieces of hardware we may have to manage and support somehow, but there also seem to be firmware and software updates for each one rolling out constantly.  How are we, as custom integrators, embracing them and keeping up with the idiosyncrasies of each one?  I imagine it is with a lot of difficulty.

There are several other podcasts and blogs delving into the particulars of each device, so Ian and I do not address those aspects here.  Instead, we discuss the potential impact the popularity of these boxes has on our designs and installations.

It used to be that we were in control of the hardware driving the displays and audio systems.  We could dictate the devices we could integrate, control, and support and our clients pretty much went along with our recommendations.  But now, the times, they are a changing.


My view is that there is going to be a huge influx of these little boxes starting this holiday season and our clients are going to expect them to just “plug and go.”  We have seen some of this previously with devices like the Xbox 360, PlayStation, and Wii, but what is about to happen is different.  There were only of few of these options with wide-spread adoption and we could plan for and support them without jumping through too many hoops.  The market space has started to get crowded already and there is no consistency in form factor, connectivity, functionality, control, or integration between them.

Some require the box to sit “in line” with the HDMI runs.  Some require cabling them to separate inputs (and some still are component video only).  Some really could use features like the Audio Return Channel for HDMI as a way to get the audio back into our surround sound or distributed audio systems, but we have not seen any with HDMI 1.4.  Some require (proprietary) RF remotes and others use IR.  Some will understand IP-based control commands, but few supply documentation on how to do it.  More and more now require keyboards of some type, too. Others now integrate with mobile phones or tablets over Wi-Fi, while others use docks as a way to leverage mobile devices.  Some could fit in racks while others are designed to sit out in the entertainment area - and a few make it impossible to mount them at all!  You get the picture.  All in all, none really are designed to integrate with a custom installation or complex systems.  And it does not look as if it is going to get better anytime soon.

We do not provide many solutions in this Podcast, but we do offer some suggestions:

1)     I think the most relevant one is to appoint a Product Champion for each of the major products.  You need at least one person who understands how each product works and what it takes to connect it up and make it deliver on its promises.  It would be great if that champion also could create templates for your control/automation offerings, in addition to documenting what you will need to configure and support it.  That person then trains the staff and becomes the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for that device.  There will be an initial outlay to purchase the devices and dedicate the time to know them inside and out, but it will be a good investment as part of a strategy for keeping abreast of these new trends in the marketplace.  It surely beats being blind-sided when your clients call up needing help the day after Christmas.  Naturally, you want to plan on recouping your investments by offering your design and integration services for this new wave of entertainment devices.

2)     An often overlooked option is to look at ways to provide the same functionality with what you already have in place.  One of the advantages of a platform like Windows Media Center (or any other HTPC solution) is that it is extensible.  There are some great new add-ins that give you the same features offered by using these separate boxes with more being developed constantly.  While it used to be questionable whether you should install additional software into WMC, Windows 7 has provided a much more stable platform that allows you to offer these packages reliably.  Once again, appointing a Product Champion for these may be a good approach.

3)     Get on the front-end of these purchases, especially before the holiday season really kicks in.  There never is a bad time to have an excuse to meet with your clients again.  You know their tastes, lifestyles, and purchasing habits.  Find out if they are planning to make any “impulse” purchases for one of these boxes and take advantage of a reason to “enhance” their system to support it.  Of course, if you have designed the structured wiring and connectivity platform with flexibility in mind, you probably already have the connection points sitting in the walls or baseboards just waiting for a new box to be plugged in.  All you have to do is incorporate your new control templates into their current automation systems and you are ready to go!

 There is so much momentum in the industry that you no longer can ignore this trend.  It is time to start getting on board and finding new ways to take advantage of the opportunities it offers.  The worst thing you can do is simply ignore it.  Your customers will be expecting you to know how to integrate your systems with their shiny new play toy - and if you cannot deliver, you may lose out on some great new money-making opportunities.



What an awesome device.  I think the Kinect is going to usher in a new generation of interactivity, gaming, and content consumption (maybe not for Windows Media Center, but definitely for other services Microsoft is starting to deliver).  At first, it seems innocent enough and just another gaming peripheral.  However, from an integrator’s perspective, it opens a lot of possibilities – and a lot of potential problems.


Kinect really could drive the need for multi-purpose and/or game rooms - in addition to “video chat areas” throughout the home.  For gaming, it definitely takes a lot of space to play – more than the Wii or Move, for sure.  It is an all-body workout for multiple people and it gets pretty crazy in the room (as in no breakable equipment nearby).  The ideal distance from the players to the Kinect device is somewhere around eight to twelve feet.  Everything, including furniture, needs to be out of the way.  Currently, that eliminates its use in most home theater environments unless you have designed in motorized seating and platforms tiers that easily can be tucked into the walls or at least out of the way.  This could change the whole way you design the area in front of the screen and the types of furniture you use.  Additionally, it works better with some decent lighting. Most room lighting systems we design do not have “audience-facing” lights nor do the existing lights cover the area in front of the screen very well.  You should consider adding an extra circuit or two worth of lighting at the front for illuminating the play area.

From a Windows Media Center perspective, there is not much new.  Kinect does not control that experience.  However, you can start to see where Microsoft is taking the technology via the Kinect Hub from within the Xbox Dashboard.  They do give you the ability to control the Zune Marketplace,, Netflix, and some other content resources.  It is not quite there yet, but it definitely removes the need for a controller or remote for those experiences.  It also might be worth considering as a control interface for those clients with accessibility issues.


Another “feature” is the ability to do teleconferencing (or Telepresence/video chats) using the built-in color camera and microphone.  This feature also takes the Xbox 360 out of the multi-purpose gaming room and into other parts of the house.  We see this as an excellent alternative to the video chat capabilities being built into some of the newer TVs and displays while there definitely are some new avenues of business opening up for those integrators who start getting into it early.  This especially is true for those clients who work at home and need to communicate with theoffice or for small businesses who do not want to invest in some of the more expensive video conferencing alternatives. 

There also are great possibilities for “add-on sales and services.  As mentioned, the lighting becomes critical to pull this off successfully, but there are some other things we can sell if we start getting creative.  What about the backdrop?  How distracting are the piles of clutter or walls behind most couch areas or home offices?  What about putting in some automated screens that drop down from the ceiling with painted nature scenes or even using video screens with a rear-facing projector and some nice backdrop scenes?  Many clients would see a lot of value in that, even for chatting with the grandkids in some other state. 

Yes, the Kinect is ushering in a whole new playing field for gaming and entertainment interaction.  I look forward to the first automation controllerapplications written using the XNA developer’s toolkit for the 360.  And, by the way, the same applications will run on Windows Phone 7. 

One last area to consider is how the Kinect impacts your equipment layouts.  If you have the Xbox 360 located in the front of the room near a “standard” TV or display, it is no big deal.  What about those installations where it resides in a rack, at the back of the room, or in a console between the theater seats?  How will you connect it up?  Since it comes with a USB adapter and power supply, you may want to consider using a USB extender, although many integrators currently have not worked much with these.  What about the majority of theaters with screens instead of flat panel displays.  Where are you going to put the Kinect unit itself?  It does have some definite placement limitations that need to be considered as part of your designs. 

Get to know this device.  You are going to be seeing a lot more of them and you need to be prepared.  Take advantage of the new opportunities it offers. 


We also spend some time discussing the integration of various content platforms.  This whole wave of mobile device integration in with tablets and other portable devices tied to more and more on-line services in with the ability to purchase content from various sources while being able to play whatever your clients want on any device from anywhere really taxes our ability to make the whole concept of content consumption transparent.  I will not try to write up all of the permutations and some approaches to making the various experiences seamless here.  We do discuss some of the issues in this podcast, but it is going to take a series of Installments to cover this topic.  Stay tuned.



One last area I wanted to touch on is the Ceton tuner cards that finally are making their way into the wild.  As you will recall back in our earlier installments around Installment 00B ( delving into the guts of CableCARD, we talked about the MCIA Digital Cable Tuner Diagnostic Tool and how great it is for understanding and troubleshooting CableCARD-based installations using Windows Media Center.  I wanted to remind everyone that the DCT Diag Tool now is available to download for anyone from The Green Button at Do not forget to check out the help file.  It is very informative, if I must say so myself (since I wrote it).  This tool has been tested with the Ceton CableCARD tuners and is a great way to optimize your setups and to make sure all of the channels work as subscribed.


That about wraps things up for this Installment.  Next time we will cover some more industry news and then start on power designs and their implications.  Thanks for listening and reading.


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Category:general -- posted at: 12:16pm EST

Jon’s back! And with him a shiny new iPad. He shares his experiences with it so far, and even records the show using it.  And could Flash be hitting the iPad imminently? Possibly (well sort of).  After a few weeks dominated by Windows Phone 7, we take a look at some other players including details on the Facebook mobile event this week, Amazon opting to sell the Kindle on the high street and a brand new way of input for your mobile- the 8pen (small keyboards are so 2009).

So click the link, grab that coffee and be up to date on all things mobile within the next 60 minutes!

Show Notes

iPad makes up 95% of tablet market 
Notion Ink Adam tablet set to release later this month - looks pretty nice 
The 8Pen - small device input 
WiFi rollout trial begins on London Tube (Bakerloo and Northern Lines) 
Flash on the iPhone & iPad via on-the-fly HTML5 conversion 
VLC app pulled from Aple the developers! 
iOS 4.2 goes gold, iPad seen running it: is it imminent?! 
Facebook phone on the way? Is this what we can expect?! 
Facebook Mobile Event 
Google to launch own-brand Chrome OS netbook later this month? Acer & HP in Dec? 
Amazon Kindle in John Lewis stores in time for Christmas 

App of the Week 
TED (iPad)


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@TDLMobile @jondickinson @SheldonW @JoseROrtiz @ISDixon

Direct download: TDLMobile54.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:32am EST

Garry and Andrew are back from their travels and we have lots of news to catch up on. We have emails on DLNA, meta data problems with Media Center, lots of remote control solutions and Media Center  keyboards.

We also talk about Freeview HD in Media Center, Andrews experiences with Google TV and Apple verses Microsoft new product availability. As ever we have good fun recording the show so I hope you enjoy this weeks show

Links from this weeks show:

Don’t forget the other TDL Podcasts: TDL Mobile and The Custom Integrator Show

Music by Ian Dixon

Direct download: TDL_Show_20101104_279.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:19am EST