The Digital
We talk Windows, smart home, music tech, vintage tech, EVs and lots more.

Welcome to this week’s short update show. Garry and Richard are away but I still wanted to bring you an update as it’s Microsoft’s Surface / Window event this week and we have the surprise leaving of Panos Panay from Microsoft and potentially going to head up the Amazon Alexa hardware team.

Links from this week’s show:

·       What’s New in the Windows 11 2023 Update?

·       The Lost Art of Music Tech Demos: Yamaha’s DX100 Tape Revived (Side 1)

·       Synth Nostalgia: Exploring the 1986 Yamaha DX100 Cassette Demo Side 2

·       Hands on with Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 23545 & 25951

·       Microsoft releases Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 23545 & 25951

·       Microsoft – Watch the September 21 event

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:53am EST