The Digital
We talk Windows, smart home, music tech, vintage tech, EVs and lots more.

Welcome to the Christmas edition of the show and this week Garry, Andrew and I are joined by Bjorn Morris from Cybersmart systems. Bjorn is installing iPads as part of this Windows Media Center custom installs and he expains how the iPad has moved home automation away from the TV screen to the mobile device.

We also talk about the weeks news including CES Windows Tablet rumours, XBMC, Microsoft getting in trouble over Media Center TV ads, DVBLink 3.2 and who is using Apple TV.

The discount code for the wirefreehifi that Garry talked about a couple weeks ago is DLS10

Don’t forget you can now get the TDL Podcast Player on iPhone and Android

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Music by Ian Dixon

Direct download: TDL_Show_20101223_286.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12am EST