The Digital
We talk Windows, smart home, music tech, vintage tech, EVs and lots more.

This week I am talking to the developer behind MediaBrowser RC which is an iPhone/Android remote control application for MediaBrowser which is the the Media plugin for Windows Media Center. We are going to be talking about the features of the application and why the developer started the project.

The MediaBrowser RC application is an open source application that works in conjunction with a Media Browser web services developed by evorgevol

I also talk about the disappointing new Apple TV and Zumocast. Bad news for fans of the  Edney drinking game no mentions this week!

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Links from this weeks show:

Don’t forget the other TDL Podcasts: TDL Mobile and The Custom Integrator Show

Music by Ian Dixon

Direct download: TDL_MediaCenter_20100910_271.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:14am EST